I pointed this out early in 2020. When comparing Covid to RaTG13, there are not nearly enough non-productive mutations to account for the productive mutations if one assumes a natural origin. This paper, therefore is no surprise but it does scare me shitless. Its conclusions should be in 40-pt headlines in every newspaper on earth.

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Sumotoad: don't be scared. Can anyone prove the existence of a virus? The pictures out there are NOT proof. They play a game of point a declare, science by consensus. A virus has never been isolated. Has never been shown to replicate in the manner they say. Showing a cytopathic effect with no controls is just a lot of BS. A "virus" has never been shown to cause illness. Perhaps a "virus" is more wave and less particle. Read Jon Rappoport's substack article https://jonrappoport.substack.com/p/belief-in-viruses-produces-boners-in-men?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2

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Wrong, very wrong.....deadly wrong Dr. Bachrach and Dr. Sidney Breeze using a electron microscope and after an untold number of miscues the first foot-and-mouth disease virus, virus, virus could be seen in striking detail in 1954, others following: bluetongue, Rift Valley fever, African Swine fever, fowl plague, sheep pox, Newcastle disease, goat pulmonitis, Mycobacterium butyricum, Teschens disease, vesicular stomatitis, virus diarrhea of cattle, rinderpest, N....probably who knows Nipah.

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The so-called virus is the exosome, part of the bodies defense system like the garbage man taking away rubbish. It is a case of mistaken identity seeing something as dangerous as opposed to helpful.

Current virology theory is a load of bollux and merely used to scare people into taking vaccines and useless big pharma drugs and to excuse slaughtering thousand of animals in the UK for example.

Don't forget that nasty little man Neil Ferguson was responsible for exaggerating the issues in the last Foot & Mouth outbreak. He also did it with the current COVID 19 nonsense.


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All these viruses are deadly real, and when not bringing GOF in, they are all categorised under BSL4, meaning there’s no vaccine for them and we should ask the question is there a vaccine even for BSL2 and 3? So not even a vaccine for Foot&Mouth viruses? They played with all this deadly stuff for decades, and in all the escapes the recognition or public reality and awareness wasn’t even there, that it was about manipulated viruses, the research and development was kept secret! The C19 nonsense as you say is een only a show off of the tip of the iceberg of what is possible, and what they can do. C19 is a small balloon let loose in Wuhan but for sure the patent is not made in China.The control of viruses and more when you boost them with GOF is uncontrollable, there has to happen escapes and releases. Now we are here, before 2020 no one would question viruses because what’s the problem there’s none, and after 2020 viruses cannot exist who has the greatest interest in this you think?

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Oh really? So the thousands of virologists who have been around for almost 100 years, including Nobel Prize winners, the many electron micrographs of viruses, the many books, course’s including the ones I did getting my university degree, are all a fabrication. Yeah right?

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Correct. While in University, it would never dawn on us to question the information that is presented to us as fact. It should be presented with a “ we think this is the way it must be, but we don’t know for sure”. Then you graduate and you have been so indoctrinated, you are now so invested in the model, you can’t possibly accept that you have been lied to. There are a few that have taken the time over the last few years question and take an in-depth look at the experiments done, especially the methodology section. We are shocked to find out that most of what was presented as fact, is anything but. Some blog about there findings. Christine Massey, Dawn Lester, Mike Donio, Mike Stone, Drs Sam and Mark Bailey, Jacob Diaz, Dr. Claus Kohnlein, Dr. Stefano Scoglio, Dr. Tom Cowan to name a few.

All of virology is built on circumstantial evidence. I can prove Santa exists that way too.

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It is a question of mistaken identity. So-called viruses are the exosome, part of the bodies defenses, the removal of cell debris like rubbish collectors.

The medical establishment has been deliberately deceived for decades. This was to give big pharma an excuse to poison us for profit.

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In this construct, what is the infective agent?

Clinically it has been quite easy to follow infective chains, particularly syphilis and gonorrhoea, but also if one is alert, chlamydia and mycoplasma. The viral patterns are very similar, with lab reports consistent with the putative agents.

Many times over two decades I have had patients report recurrent "shingles" - a lesion culture at the right time often returned HSV 1 or 2.

"Something" is stimulating the immune system in a manner analogous to visible agents- bacteria or fungi which can be grown in cell-free systems, or parasites such as Malaria or Giardia.

The success of antivirals which interfere with the putative viral metabolism has been progressing over 40 years, with adequate Pharma profit, especially the Hepatitis C treatments.

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Here you can see the "virus" was a fabricated string of letters they REGISTERED as a genome but is unconnected to any actual object


and here you can see no virus has ever actually been found


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Foremost, because they haven't any motives to pretend any different....oh, wait, money, money money.

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Perhaps a virus is like enzyme soup...is it alive or just a chemical....

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I figured the first mutation they desired was a SARS-COVID-2 with a high rate of productive mutations...

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Aug 31, 2023
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I’m a lousy record-keeper and this was awhile ago, but it might be one of these (I am sorry to be so uncertain— I’m old and retired, too):

Calisher, et al; Opinion piece; The Lancet; 395, 10226; E42-E43

(Fawning letter of support for the CCP)

Daszak, et al; Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence; NIH Reporter; project 2R01A/110964-06. (shows Daszak’s conflict of interest in declaring a natural source)

Silver, Andrew; China Is Tightening Its Grip On Coronavirus Research; Nature, 580, 439-440. ( any release of info must be vetted by a Chicom committee)

Zhou, Zhengli et al; A new pneumonia outbreak associated with a new coronavirus of probable bat origin; Nature, 579, 270-273. (article links SARS-CoV-2 with RaTG13, which is said to come from monkeys in Yunnan province, 1200 miles from Wuhan)

Bengston, Dean; All journal articles evaluating the origin or epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 that utilize the RaTG13 bat strain genomics are potentially flawed and should be retracted; OSF Preprints; 10.3129/osf.io/wy89d. (shows that origins of genome of RaTG13 are not to be trusted, and are nearly identical to BtCOV/4991)

Botao Xiao; Possible Origins of 2019-nCoV Coronavirus; ResearchGate Preprints; Feb 2020; (discusses the labs, wet markets, and necessity of human intervention to create and leak SARS-CoV-2)

Hu D, et al; Genomic Characterization and Infectivity of a novel SARS-like Coronavirus in Chinese Bats; Emerg Microbes Infect; 7(1) 154. ( predicts possible human pathogenicity of a new coronavirus)

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Also ask @doorlesscarp! Best scientific paper reviews on substack...

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I do. I got my original RaTG13 non-syn data from here: https://nerdhaspower.weebly.com/ratg13-is-fake.html

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I had my suspicions when there was a Chinese paper trying to explain that Omicron could have come from mice in South Africa...knowing that there are actually only one kind of mice susceptible to SARS-CoV2... and that are lab mice with human ACE2.

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So, they were correct then?! It did come from mice. In the labs!!

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Where did the mice catch it? Or are the scientists developing lab creations out of thin air, like ex nihilo?

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You need to fart on the transgenic mice and see if they can smell it as a human could

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So, there is no naturally evolving virus? Where does this leave Geert Van Den Bossche's hypothesis? Are they releasing these tinkered viruses in particular locations? So many questions!

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Exactly what I was thinking after getting his book, this clearly adds a massive layer of complexity / uncertainty to his predictions, which already are, as he says himself, a deductive hypothesis from four disciplines.

He's gone non-public though.

Edit: from non-pubic to non-public

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Good question. I think the answer is that the fundamental laws of evolution do apply to viruses. Given their abilities to quickly replicate, that evolution is pretty fast and creates mutations at an astounding rate. So with being said, the human creation of variants just increases the possible candidates for an immune escape variant to emerge. But Jessica and others are vastly more qualified that I am to talk about this.

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Evolutionary theory is a theory, there are no laws merely hypotheses. There are no mutating viruses, it is one big fat lie. It is used to justify big pharma poisoning people with vaccines etc.

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Ok - if that makes you feel better I would go with it.

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The point is that evolution were occurring fast, we would see the signs of that in a high rate of synonymous mutations. We do see those synonymous mutations, but a slower rate than would explain the variants. Somehow they made an evolutionary leap rather than the accumulation of small changes. Charles Darwin's theory doesn't allow for leaps -- "natura non facit saltus".

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Sep 14, 2023Edited
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Why can't both be happening together?

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So say his hypothesis of immune escape, based on the mass rollout, has validity.

This would mean that each artificial variant just competes with the others as per normal to escape the immune pressure.

Does this say anything about his correcting his timeline for high virulence infections, that always seemed it had to be somewhat arbitrary anyway ( speaking as a very lay person ! )

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Sep 14, 2023
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I was hoping for the blanks to be filled in this afternoon ! Thanks for article

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There are certain assumptions here that I’m questioning.

The Japanese researchers analysed sequences alleged to have been derived from clinical samples.

Imagine there had never been a novel pathogen, no pandemic, which is what the epidemiological evidence shows us.

But the fear of a scary virus is required to keep the people terrified and compliant, so how to ensure there’s a flow of information to vigilant scientists and citizens?

Upload sequences in whatever rate, type and timings serve the scary virus narrative.

I’m suspicious of everything now.

The work & equipment needed to do this kind of genomic analysis is probably centralised in most countries and may not even be present in many countries.

Given the enormity of the ongoing crime, how reliable is this database? And thus the findings & shocking conclusions?

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Thanks Dr Mike Yeadon. Jim M just asked:

"Is this option on the table? Perhaps all the "sequences stored in public databases" are just artifacts generated from software, without being tethered to reality. [...]"

What do you think about that, and the rest of his question? Feel free to comment under Jim M's post.

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Given how extensive the web of lies has been proven to be and the complexity of the landscape, who knows what's really happening.

All those presentations of "new variants". Are people to believe in those just as they believed in the original "novel" C19 or, is it a new version , more like: oh yeah, it's all real now, it's dangerously mutating and only vaxxinations can help? (What!? Because now they have the "real variants"?) I'm not "science person" and I don't believe any of that, especially with incoming precautionary measures. It looks very dodgy.

First, Lab created synthetic "virus" with ability to mutate, then new mutations being created and accordingly, new vaccines as a counter measures. No end of these shenanigans on the horizon, it seems.

All I want to know is how these newly created variants are being spread among the populations.

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I see no evidence anything is being shared.

All we know for sure is this narrative.

The initial virus story was fake. Had it been as described, someone, somewhere would have unimpeachable evidence of an outbreak of new respiratory illnesses and deaths.

Such a pathogen doesn’t need WHO to announce a pandemic in order to begin killing.

But it was only after that announcement that deaths spiked.

We have an adequate explanation for most of these deaths.

I saw no unexplained phenomenon that required a new cause of illness and death to explain it.

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Exactly! It's all lies and manipulation, even as the narrative crumbles

(vide the US push of the "new vaccines"). How is this not orchestrated malfeasance?

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Sep 14, 2023
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I don’t think there ever was a pandemic.

Therefore, no appearance of a pathogen worthy of the name.

Those telling us there was LIED about absolutely everything else.

A real pathogen would kill additional people. So it wasn’t there. Another lie.

So, I buy these “variants”, either.

I don’t know how they’ve arrived in the database, but it’s a detail.

They’re not circulating is the most likely scenario.

Even if they were, almost no one is now vulnerable (if you believe in the first circulation). It’s not a public health hazard worth mentioning.

If my reasoning is defective pls correct me.

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You're still not stating the truth Mike, no virus particle has ever been found


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Why would there be such a poor job of entering false sequences into public databases, which geneticists could show consisted of non-random mutations that just don't happen in nature ( assuming) , apparently without too much difficulty ( accepting it was probably 'difficult' :) ) , if it was supposed to appear like real-world sequences this looks like a rubbish attempt?

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Is anyone even trying to do that?

I don’t think so.

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"I don’t know how they’ve arrived in the database, but it’s a detail."

OK, get you now, this is similar to no interest in Kirsch's suggested exploration of the lateral flow tests, and what they are actually measuring.

A distraction that could have been arrived at from many unknowable paths ( maybe always unknown ).

A detail by the side of the road.

There are real things / evidence that people should focus on.

A bird's eye view of the road is what's required?

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My position is crystal clear.

No pandemic. The epidemiological evidence shows no increase in all causes mortality until medical protocols were warped.

As there’s no pandemic, there’s no virus.

The variants are scariants.

You can fill in the rest, I’m busy explaining to people that the unnecessary injections are intentionally harmful.

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Am I wrong to think that these revelations also give further credence to JJ Couey's hypothesis regarding the release of infectious clones, both initially and later?

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There was also a scientist from the Czech Republic, Soña Pekova, who testified in Nuremberg 2.0 day 3 (1hr:32mins into the recording) who had sequenced the "variants" from "waves" in her country and concluded they were not evolving from one another. https://zeeemedia.com/interview/grand-jury-day-3-pcr-test/

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Sorry, interjected into that back an'fro like nobody's business !

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Pfizer funds virus manipulation now on American soil.

Ralph Baric and Pfizer funded colleagues weaponizing Dengue Fever Virus in North Carolina in 2022. They insert the Furin Cleavage Site


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I've been asking you for a single published paper to prove your claim of virus existence. You sent me a textbook link, remember?

That like responding to a questions of proof of Bigfoot existence with a blurry photograph.

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Thanks Geoff!

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Wow! This is huge if you're right. Do you mind if I republish on Vigilantnews.com?

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Not a genetics major at all ... just a guy here who has spent nearly every day watching this global misery take place since the end of 2019.

One item that keeps flashing in my memory is that of the post that was sent from a senior official in the Canadian government. He was called into a closed door meeting with the Prime Ministers Office with other officials in fall of 2019. He was told of the outbreak in China and the forthcoming shutdowns and the need for every citizen to be vaccinated. What was interesting was that Emergency Measures would be invoked and eventually an “antidote” would be offered. There were conditions to be met to get the “ antidote “.

When Omicron broke out in South Africa I can remember Malone and other credentialed scientists stating the genetic make up of Omicron was that it was like a far less deadly variant and ahead in genetic mutations. Such that they were recommending people who had not been vaccinated to ideally be exposed to Omicron which would bring about good immunity.

A number of scientists described Omicron “ as almost a perfect ANTIDOTE “ ..... Could it be that someone or some group jumped the gun in releasing it such that citizens didn’t have to give up property or immediate repayment of debt to acquire the so called antidote ?

Either way , to think that all of these variants were being released at once is a mind bender indeed. Did China release these? Did DARPA see this coming and decide to work on vaccines as a first defence against the release?

Answers to these important questions need to be found. We are indeed on a bio warfare battlefield.

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Hi, very nice writeup.

As it ends with the question what kind of experiment this was, I can probably answer that.


I had tried to publish this as a comment with Antonius VanDongen, but we never received an answer to our emails.

Let me know if you need more details.


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Sep 14, 2023
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sry for not answering earlier, very busy times.

reversions can happen, sure, but not to that extend.

random evolution does not introduce 25+ mutations from unrelated strains without introducing a long list of silent or new non-silent mutations in between.

there is obv. no absolute truth here, but it is MUCH more likely that Omicron BA1-BA3 are products of a recombination events of SARS-COV-2 viruses with one of the many synthetic polymutant spike or pan-variant vaccine spike mRNAs.

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Sep 3, 2023
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God help us. Of course they are releasing new variants. This makes sense. Here in Canada the Chief Medical Officer and her attendants performed medical theatre recently, all wearing masks (naturally) and announced the approval of Moderna boosters for Omicron this fall. Unbelievable. I cannot comprehend it, but I know that the previously "boosted" are already prepared to get another shot to boost their immunity. Karl Marx said religion was the "opiate for the masses". He was wrong (for so many reasons). Modern medicine and "the science" are the opiate for the masses.

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The God shaped hole that exists in most humans WILL be filled with something... $©ience fills that vacuum.

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Scientism anyway ! Science ( defined in ways ) can co-exist with God, ask Newton, Darwin or Denis Noble.

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Indeed but they are just releasing new variations on the lies that have been foisted on us for decades. "If at first you don't succeed, lie, lie and lie again."


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And all of the variants were released into the human population over time.

Super creepy.

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Could the variants be introduced via the vaccines or PCR TESTS?

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Yes, it occurred to me too that the nasal swabs could actually have been used to spread the virus.

The criminals at the CDC/FDA/NIH have proven that they would indeed stoop that low by their other aggressive actions against public health, such as recommending the death jab for children even though there is absolutely no justification for it.

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We were nothing more than a bunch of lab rats on a massive scale worldwide scale 😡

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We are if we take the shots.

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And still are!

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Are you feeling like a 'beautiful one' ?

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Even though none of us should be surprised, the findings from this study are nevertheless simply stunning!

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I just learned of this in a repost by Dr. Jessica Rose on her Substack Unconditional Jessica.

This is it!

This research, upon confirmation, should trigger search and arrest warrants for every official and executive involved in this crime, and the same for all who knowingly aided and abetted them.

No jurisdictional arguments. Whoever is closest or fastest should act. Differences can be settled after a suspect is in custody.

Arrest and charge anyone who drags their feet or slow-walks

any part of this roundup.

To prevent the guilty from fleeing due to any procedural methods that might delay warrants or arrests, a publicly run monitoring system should be immediately established.

Anyone could call, email or otherwise report the real-time whereabouts, activities, associations, vehicles or transportation used and purchases of these individuals. Rewards and bounties should be considered (case-by-case) when any suspect goes missing.

Higher-level suspects - and possibly others - should be interrogated with any means science can safely perform..

No arguments, no HIPPA , no exceptions.

This is a world emergency!

Input should be sought from veteran activists of similar efforts.

Looking forward to justice for everyone in

the death for-profit racket!

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We are assuming that the court system is alive and functioning. That may be our biggest mistake. So much of American life is adjudicated by funneling the big, consequential issues to the corrupt attorney general. Chosen for obvious reasons, he can, singularly, destroy American civilization. Reiner Fuellmich has insisted trying cases like we are discussing here is totally futile in Germany as judges are mostly on the take. How do we identify honest judges? Giving mere participants in the pseudo-insurrection at the US capitol in the Jan. 6 debacle 20+ year jail sentences is case in point. If viruses don't exist, how could we do a Nuremberg 2?

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Go read InterestOfJustice.Substack.Com. Speaking if Nuremburg Trial. Hapoenung in Costa Rica. Todays Substack!!!

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My comment was all I could muster at 1 AM.

The research finding is a tool. How or if people wield it

is really a separate topic.

Even a corrupt government can be scared into doing

the right thing. Think: Part 1) Mobs applying remedial blockades

and vandalism to the criminal entities, their vehicles and their facilities, [with no harm or loss to innocent bystanders, and no collateral damage] Part 2) A world-wide general strike,

Part 3) Actual revolution.

My biggest fear is that even a fully informed public

might not pull these off. The fronts in this war even

include the womb and the human genome. How much

worse can it get? Yet the massive outcries of the informed

have had little effect and continue to be muzzled.

Since the Women's March on Washington, America has

only had large public storms over elections and

racist law enforcement, which are both serious,

but not equivalent to worldwide mass murder.

This leads me to surmise that we've been "dosed"

into complacency. Was this was through subliminal

messages, chem trails, or substances in our

food, air, water, or personal care products?

Nuremberg was about conduct and practices, not

viruses. If viruses don't exist, these bastards sure did

award-winning improvising!

Ready, aim, JUSTICE!

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I want to hear more about "how" the computer that reads these genetic codes was programmed? A computer that spits out all these letters means nothing. They have proven NOTHING! Since a virus has never been isolated, what is it reading exactly? This study proves that these are just natural proteins found in nature. No virus, no mutations.

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Aug 31, 2023
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"Each vial contains approximately 0.25 mL of heat-inactivated, clarified cell lysate and supernatant from Calu-3 cells (ATCC HTB-55) infected with SARS-CoV-2 strain USA/MD-HP05285/2021. The vial should be centrifuged prior to opening."

There are so many sources of RNA in the supernatant of a cell culture experiment which means this is not an "isolate" by any stretch of the imagination.

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Were these ”grown” from a isolated virus or just copies of a “sequence” spliced together in a lab?

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Neither. No isolation, no virus, no splicing and dicing. No spike proteins. No Ferrin cleavage sites. The sequence is in silico (computer model). Nothing to do with reality.

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Nanopore says you're an idiot.

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That’s sort of what I was implying. The stuff in the vial you can buy and they are calling “the virus” is usually just a synthetic chemical construct from the in silico sequence. At least that’s my understanding.

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What a load of crap!

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For me, this sounds like what I did during my pHD: error prone pcr + gene shuffling + phage display. It is extremely easy to adapt the spike to any ACE2 using this combination of methods. https://home.solari.com/special-report-future-science-series-protein-design-by-directed-evolution-in-modrna-injections-with-sabine-stebel/

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Past time to vaporize the labs, arrest the technicians, and imprison the directors and funders.

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